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A/V installation, Atomium Brussels, 2023

Design & Visual : Visual System
Music: Thomas Vaquié
Production : Visual System & Atomium

"Restart" invites the visitor to take the time to get lost in a space reconfigured by the light and sound patterns deployed by Visual System. Restart is the prospect of offering yourself a new start. It's a reboot of consciousness. Spirituality, like science, seeks, if not to answer, at least to question: who am I, who is the other, what am I doing here. Visual System continues its quest and questions these fundamental questions through its visual and sound creations. In a life-size fresco, Visual System immerses us in a cognitive ecosystem rid of the clichés of its representations.

About The Music :

Restart is the accordion of the fairground shows of yesteryear, the psychedelic rock of the hallucinatory wanderings of the '70s, it's a space-opera, an audible response to the din of a world beyond us. 

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